(a) The planet Mars, the son of the Earth, is known by several names, each standing for one or the other characteristics indicated by him. The names are: Angaraka, Lohitanga, Bhouma, Kuja, Bhauma etc. The colour of this planet is blood red. It is smaller than the Earth and is situated at a distance of 48 millions of miles away from it. It takes about two years to complete one revolution round the Sun. The Earth being nearer to the Sun, completes its revolution in one year. Thus Mars remains in one sign for about one and a half months. The Earth during this period makes about 45 rotations on its axis.
(b) Mars represents among other things, courage, adventure, ambition, fighting spirit, energy, impulsiveness, accident, operation, surgery, wounds, burns, cuts, bruises, inflammation, high fever, hemorrhage, typhoid, measles, pox, cholera, plague, blood poisoning, arms and ammunitions, military, police, fire, electricity, machines, tools, weapons, land, brothers, immovable property, litigation, debts, enemies, etc. The native born under its influence is generally tall, muscular, has red eyes, and coarse hair. He is easily irritated and is fond of wars and strifes.
(c) Mars in Signs
Aries: The native is a warrior, commander-in-chief, surgeon, chemist, engineer, adventurous, courageous, rash, cruel, adulterous, wanderer, extravagant, short-tempered, head injury, danger from fire, weapons, and accidents.
Taurus: The native is wealthy, learned, famous, has many friends, is fond of music and fine arts, is a poet, and is interested in the occult sciences. He suffers from diseases of the throat and face.
Gemini: The native is learned, intelligent, wealthy, and famous. He is a good conversationalist, and is fond of traveling. He suffers from diseases of the chest and arms.
Cancer: The native is devoid of happiness, and is troubled by diseases. He is inimical to his mother, and is bereft of landed property and vehicles.
Leo: The native is endowed with wealth, happiness, and fame. He is strong, victorious, and has many brothers.
Virgo: The native is bereft of wealth and sons. He is unhappy, and has few friends.
Libra: The native is victorious over his enemies. He is endowed with wealth and happiness, and is free from diseases.
Scorpio: The native has a sickly wife. He is bereft of happiness, and is troubled by diseases.
Sagittarius: The native is short-lived, bereft of wealth, and suffers from diseases of the eyes.
Capricorn: The native is bereft of wealth and happiness. He is irreligious, and has an unhappy father.
Aquarius: The native is endowed with wealth, happiness, and fame. He is engaged in virtuous deeds, and is respected by the king.
Pisces: The native is endowed with wealth, happiness, and fame. He has many friends, and is engaged in virtuous deeds.