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Total in queue: 747 People

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*The date shown here is for reference purposes only and should not be considered the exact final date for your appointment. This estimate is based on calculations that assume an astrologer can accommodate up to 5 readings per day, with no rest days or breaks, even during holidays like Dashai. Due to this, the actual final date for your appointment is likely to be pushed further. Please use this computer-generated value as a reference date for appointments sorted by price only. If you are seeking a reading before September, kindly reach out to me personally for an earlier schedule. Additionally, if you need to make a price change due to a typographical mistake, please contact me directly. If the waiting period seems excessively long and not suitable for your needs, you have the option to withdraw from the queue system and request the deletion of your personal information or leave it as is, based on your personal choice. It's essential to note that issues related to urgency, health, and relationships are more critical than scheduling a visa interview date.